Season of Care for Creation 2019 By Carolyn Townes OFS: OFS-USA - J.P.I.C. Animator

For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.
~ Colossians 1:19-20

Greetings of peace, dear Franciscan Family!

We are coming up on the time of the year when we give mindful and deliberate attention to our Sister Mother Earth. Yes, I know there are many things occupying our minds, our hearts and our prayers at this time. But our God is bigger, greater and mightier than all those things. We must trust and have faith that the Holy Spirit is doing a mighty work that we are not privileged to see right now.

In all these matters, we must continue to do what is ours to do. Yes, we must pray as prayer can move mountains. Yet, fervent prayer leads us to inspired action.. When we pray, we must also make room for the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit to show us what is ours to do. Believe me, when we do our part, the Spirit is faithful to do His. 

Attached please find the prayers for the Season of the Care for Creation, which begins September 1st and ends on the Solemnity of our Seraphic Father Francis of Assisi, October 4th. I ask that you share with your families, your fraternities and your faith communities. There must never be a time when prayer is "not enough." But fervent prayer is always coupled with inspired and righteous action. Again, allow the Holy Spirit to reveal your next right actions.

Please share your experiences and mindful moments with me. Email me at ctownes26 @  I would love to hear how the Spirit is moving in your hearts and lives. 

Jesus taught freedom from oppression and to love the search for the presence of God’s reign in our lives and the universe. Since Pope Leo XIII’s 1891 letter on the Condition of Workers, church teaching has faced many social issues so that individual compassion flows through to both growing just structures and dismantling the structure of sin. Treating the earth with respect is within this continuum. (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church)

Wishing you blessings of peace and all good!

Carolyn D. Townes, OFS

National Animator, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

U.S. Secular Franciscan Order
See Christ, Be Christ. Share the Vision!

(OFS-USA 2019 Theme)